Saturday, 31 August 2013

Technology- Xbox

With the largest library of games, Xbox 360 has something for everyone. Enjoy unrivalled multiplayer games online with friends, and watch HD movies, music and sports. More than just a game console, Xbox 360 and Xbox Live turn your living room into the ultimate entertainment venue with a huge range of games, movies, songs and more available at the touch of a button.

The Xbox....
This advert really sells the Xbox, the Xbox is targeted at everyone, as it says in the caption above 'has something for everyone' There isn't a main target audience for this console because there is a wide range of games you can purchase, from racing car games for the boys to dress up doll games for the girls. The main reason for the Xbox is for fun and its a fun way to bring the family closer as it says in the caption 'turn your living room into the ultimate entertainment venue with a huge range of games, movies, songs...' Also at the end of the caption it states that the games are all available at the touch of a button, this will make people more likely to buy the product if they know they wont have to keep going out to shops to purchase game for their console because they can just sit back and do it at the touch of a button. The advert is full of many selling phrases that really stand out and make the Xbox original and different to other consoles by the language use of enticing and exciting words used in the caption. 

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